Thursday, November 5, 2015

The Truth of Jackie Price

Jackie Price, also known as Jacki Lynn, is an internet personality.
Firstly, she attempted to gain fame as a model, actress, and photographer, but later on, she decided to spread gospel and find her own followers after claiming to having had an experience with Jesus.
She is basically a small cult leader. She keeps saying how she keeps hearing from Jesus all the time.

As you can see, she is so certain that she knows the secret intentions of every person that messages her.
If that was the case, she would have seen through this fake profile I made immediately. I created a person who is as fictional as her version of "Jesus". This character is a Chinese woman with the name of Zjion Lajioe. If Jacki Lynn, or Jackie Price, really heard from a supernatural being, she would hear the truth from her God that she is being lied to and that the profile is a fake person. This is what she "heard" from her “Jesus” instead:

Many of her former followers claim she always works by this scheme: first, acting kind with bombarding love, saying that Jesus is happy with you, etc. Later on, she says things like: "You are not seeking God. God is not pleased with you." and threatens those who oppose her with hell. Zjion was no exception:

But there was still one unsolved problem: Zjion was not a real person! If Jackie knows everything about each person who contacts her, why didn't she realize this was a fraud from day one?
Maybe she is a fraud herself?

Not everything lasts forever. I had to somehow finish this saga.

Look at all the previous messages sent by Zjion, then the last insulting comment. See the difference? They show different language skills.

You may call me a scam artist. You may even call me a liar, or a rude person, but I had to defeat Jackie in her own game and expose her for the liar she is. Whatever she hears is definitely not Jesus, Muhammad or even Marilyn Monroe. She is a cult leader, and uses similar tactics that most cult leaders use.

This experiment was done in order to prove how not everyone is who they claim to be. In this case,  both sides were fraudsters, but only for the sake of truth being revealed.

Stay safe, and do not trust everyone,
Zjion Lajioe.

Jackie Price Social Media:

Youtube Channel:

Facebook Account:

IMBD Profile:


  1. I know exactly what happened. People who hated her truth messed her up slightly. Nothing more, nothing less. She is NOT, even now, always wrong, nor is she the leader of any 'clut'. Instead of judging her unjustly, by jumping to this common conclusion Satan loves, I say, please pray God helps her to be right like she was before last year, and, even better than that. Her common American ignorance, and her enimies, are why she is now slightly very messed up at times. She needs our prayers. Without her, I might never have become born again/holy spirit filled. She needs Deliverance, and so does most of the world. The Bible calls it the children's bread.

  2. Follow Jesus not anyone else, the heart of man is desperately wicked and tempt able. Pray to Jesus for Jackie. Forgive. Repay evil with good and good with good, don't bear a grudge against who has strayed from the narrow path for the path is narrow.

  3. Jackie was following the Holy Spirit when responding to the fake Chinese person you created. Because behind this fake person there was a real person who created the fake, and to this person she was speaking. She was speaking to you, and she told you to repent, and also that you did not meet Jesus yet but have to if you don´t want to end up in hell. She did absolutely right in everything during this conversation. - She is a true Prophet, but she is not a clairvoyant. It was not her task to recognize your betrayal in itself, but within a very short time she revealed your wrong heart motives and refused to go on with you, which was much more important. - Jesus says you shall not test or tempt God. You have committed a sin not only against Jackie, but much more against the living God, and i advice you to immediately ask both Jackie´s and God´s forgiveness and to remove this evil internet page.

    1. You only see what you want to see. You really think she heard from an omnipotent being? If she did, she wouldn't have said "you are seeking to follow Jesus". Just look at the very first messages. She would have blocked me immediately, not after telling Traci the truth about her actions. It would be clear to her I am definitely not seeking her "Jesus", whoever that is. The comment saying I was rude was not because she found out that I don't exist. Talk to her other former followers. They will all tell you she treated them the same way. She's not a true prophet. She has said that Obama was the last president. Soon, you will see how wrong she was.
      "Jesus says you shall not test or tempt God" - Gee, really? When will you, all Priceians understand that Jackie is not God?! Also, she has nothing to do with him. Now, you are the one who committed a sin, because this is blasphemy. Does your Bible say anything about people who use Jesus to manipulate people? I created this blog because of people like you, who never see the truth, and keep rejecting it. If Zjion Lajioe was here earlier, perhaps many people could have been saved from destructive cults? Who knows, maybe she could have saved 900 people who died in Jonestown? You have been lied to from the very beginning.
      Stay safe

  4. Hi Zijon, what is your facebook? i would like to discuss this. I think we used to be friends when I was following with them, but i dont see your page...if you dont wanna give out your page, add me at Mike Younis, the profile pic says Jesus <3s You

    1. just add me because I may not get back on here.

    2. Hi Mike,

      Feel free to message me. When were you a Jackie groupie?

  5. You described her correctly. Sadly I thought I was her BFF, but she didn't want others to feel left out. As soon as I started to question anything she said I got black listed as not really hearing from Jesus or being saved. I hope she is doing well, but I got spiritually burnt by her when I was in a spiritually vulnerable place in my life back in 2011-2012. All I can say is be cautious. Thank you for posting this. If anyone needs to talk with someone who has been friends with her in the past please write me at openlyheather at gmail.
